Sunday, 2 January 2011

A New Year Resolution

As its New Year again, I have a New Year resolution.

I will write every single day - for 365 days. Regardless of any obstacles or excuses that may seek to clutter my path.

I have already signed up to A River of Stones It’s a one month project and the aim is for you to really notice and note down one thing everyday – here are my small stones.

For my own project, which I’ll record on this blog, I’m going to work through the exercises in The Daily Writer.


There are 366 exercises (meditations) in all. (Which is quite fortunate because I only managed to locate the book amongst the Christmas clutter today - Jan 2nd!) And What I'm hoping is that I’ll be forming a serious writing habit.

Apparently it takes only 20 times of doing something to form a habit, so by this time next year I should be completely addicted!

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